LEP Nuclear Round Table

22nd November 2023

Location: Motor Room, Engine Rooms, Birchwood Park, Warrington

Time: 9-10.30am

The Cheshire & Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, together with Cheshire & Warrington Local Authorities, are developing a new long-term Sustainable & Inclusive Economic Plan to deliver our ambitions to be the healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive, and growing economy in the UK. This will be an evidence-based response to our economic challenges and opportunities, taking on board stakeholder views, which will help us to maximise investment, and deliver our economic priorities for people, businesses, and places.

As part of this They would like to invite you to join the Chief Executive of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and colleagues at a private round table to discuss intelligence on the economy and the nuclear sector, including trends and opportunities around innovation, funding, skills, and jobs. Additionally, it would be useful to understand any related sector issues, for example availability of talent, travel to work, infrastructure, and other quality of life factors of relevance to your business, to help us ensure they have the right priorities for our economic plan.

If you would like to attend or have any further questions, please email  Anna.Parker@cheshireandwarrington.com


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